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Get Help and Support with Kindness Counts

When life presents challenges, Kindness Counts is here to offer a helping hand. Our platform connects you with caring senior volunteers ready to provide support, assistance, and companionship.

How Our Volunteers Can Assist You:

  • Run Errands: Whether it's picking up groceries, dropping off packages, or handling daily tasks, our volunteers are here to make your life easier.
  • Transportation: Need a ride to appointments, events, or anywhere else? Count on our reliable volunteers to provide safe transportation.
  • Social Support: Combat loneliness with friendly companionship. Our volunteers are here to spend quality time and share conversations.
  • Shopping Assistance: From mall trips to online shopping, our volunteers can help you navigate the world of retail with ease.
  • General Maintenance: Have household tasks that need attention? Let our volunteers assist with general maintenance and repairs.
  • Lawn Mowing: Keep your surroundings tidy with the help of volunteers who are ready to take care of your lawn..
  • IT Support: Don’t give up!! Let our volunteers solve your IT issues
  • Travel Assistance: Planning a trip? Our volunteers can provide travel assistance or accompany you on your journey.
  • Administration Task: Need to write a letter, write cards to loved ones or post an email. What about helping your sort your paperwork that keeps piling up. Our team can certainly help.

How to Get Started:

  • Log in and Register: Set up your profile
  • Request Assistance: Let us know the specific task you need completed, and set out your gift
  • Set out gift: As a gesture of appreciation for the volunteer offer them a reward for their time and effort.
  • Choose a volunteer: Volunteers who register for the task are screened by the Kindness Counts team. Choose one who you feel is best to complete the task.
  • Task Completion Once the task is successfully completed to your satisfaction, the volunteer can redeem their reward, in the form of a gift card, from the Prezzee platform.

Together, we can bring more kindness into the world, one selfless act at a time.